I’ve been meaning to play this one for a while, but this is a game that requires a dark, quiet house with minimal distractions. Such a beautiful and relaxing experience! Now I just need to pump in another 200 or so hours to catch up with my sons!
I’ve been meaning to play this one for a while, but this is a game that requires a dark, quiet house with minimal distractions. Such a beautiful and relaxing experience! Now I just need to pump in another 200 or so hours to catch up with my sons!
As of last night I can finally tick off Uncharted 2: Among Thieves! I started playing this one in late 2010, with several unexplainable short stints between then and now. I’ve been distracted by a tonne of games, activities and various family-related interruptions; but every time I sat down to play it, I’d wonder why I ever stopped!
I’ve now started Uncharted: Golden Abyss on the PS Vita, which looks pretty amazing. I’m only about an hour into it—hopefully there aren’t too many of these artefact rubbing mini-games. I should really finish Golden Abyss before starting Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, which I bought on disc a couple of months back. It’s now a free download for PlayStation Plus subscribers—which is great, because my kids aren’t always around to change discs for me now that they’re at school.
To kick it off I’m about to open up Sid Meier’s Civilization V: Gold Edition on the iMac for the first time, which was today’s impulse buy at $10.00 from Green Man Gaming. My wife played Civilization Revolution on Xbox 360 to death, but hasn’t explored others from the series. I never managed to get the motivation to learn Civilization Revolution—maybe now is my time to shine!
Here is my attempt to keep a record of my gaming activity. I spend a lot of my time thinking about games; even starting games—but I rarely finish them. Releasing this incredibly interesting information publicly will hopefully motivate me to finish what I start.
I’ll soon compile a list of every game I have started (the games that at some point I had intended to finish), and their level of completion.
Maybe one day I’ll start writing reviews, but I can’t imagine these will be very objective—I tend to be either easily impressed, or easily bored depending on how many kids I have hanging off my legs.